“Mencari Yang Halal Itu Fardhu Bagi Setiap Muslim”

Adakah anda masih tercari-cari produk HALAL keluaran umat Islam di pasaran? Ingin menambah pendapatan dengan menyertai perniagaan rangkaian produk HALAL secara online?

Peluang Bisnes Produk Halal HPA Bersama Team HPA4MUSLIM . Jana Bonus Lumayan Setiap Bulan Dengan Menjadi Pengguna Setia Produk HPA. Mari Bersama Kami.


The road you’ll see in the pictures lies between two Russian Northern cities: Ukhta and Naryan-Mar. And there’s a single road between these two cities. It can’t even be called a "road", it’s a joke. But truck drivers don’t have another choice.
The funny thing is that Ukhta is an important industrial city with plenty oil wells and as we know, oil=money. What’s funny is that oil companies are too greedy to give money to build a good road, plus it’s in their interests…
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